Adding Members To A Project

Adding Members To A Project

This tutorial will step through the steps to add people to your project.

  1. Create a project For help click [here], Note: you must be the project owner
  2. Team members have created and authenticated an account
  3. Team members associated email addresses

Adding Team Members

Before you can add people to your project they must first be in your team. To add a member to your team:

  1. Open the ā€œManage Groupā€ settings by clicking your profile icon in the top right of the LabelEngine tool then ā€œManage Groupā€
  2. Add each team members email individually to the team by typing their email into the input ā€œUsername To Inviteā€ to the right of the title ā€œTeam Membersā€ then clicking the add member icon.
  3. The member must then accept the invitation on their personal account under the same manage group settings where the invitation will appear under the ā€œOther Group Invitationsā€ subheading.
  4. The member is now a part of the team and can be seen in the ā€œTeam Memberā€ section

Adding Team Memberā€™s To A Project

Once you have team members in your team you are ready to start adding them to a project. Note: Each project can be assigned to different team members.

  1. Navigate to the LabelEngines home page
  2. Click on the 3 vertical dots on the bottom right of the target project
  3. Click ā€œManage Projectā€
  4. Click the ā€œ+ā€ Icon on the team members you wish to add to the project under ā€œAvailable Team Membersā€ title.
  5. The member must then accept the project invitation on their personal account under the same profile manage group settings where the invitation will appear under the ā€œProject Invitationsā€ subheading.
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